Monday, July 7, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Second Project

The first thought was chair, then we can up with throne, which then led to toilet. Yeah, I know a toilet. So my first thought to due with toilet was a dirty, public bathroom stale you just so happen to walk into that reeks of human waste. Then I thought of Mr. Clean. Basically he is the man when it comes to cleaning dirty bathrooms. He is the king .. of the throne! Get it?! Like a throne, as in a toilet. Yeah, so Mr. Clean saves the world by scrubbing, soaking, killing bacteria, reducing stench, and cleaning up after us.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Work, Still Life

Smaller than I hope it would've came out, it's cool though. A different experience creating a still life on a computer, rather than with a pencil and some paper. Organic materials are the feather, leaves, and stick. Inorganic are the water bottle and the key to Tommy's apartment. 

Late Blog

Well .. where to start. I am living with my brother and his best friend, Chris. There is no cable, no internet, no filtered water, and when you walk on the dirty floors in a matter of seconds the bottoms of your feet are completely black. I love baking cookies. (LIE) I hate it, it's too much of a clean-up. I have an obsession with pirates, and I don't take in on the whole Pirates of the Caribbean fad. Don't get me wrong, I love the films, but I've dressed as a pirate for Halloween since I could walk and say "Swap the poop deck!". Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. No lie, when and if I do get married, it will be a Hallowedding, if my lucky husband likes it or not.